Luau Spirit Day Fun!

We Love Math!

Our Incredible Staff!
Cafeteria Challenge Winner!
Join the PTO
Joining the PTO is a great way to build a strong connection with the Northside family.
Volunteering your skills and time provides the chance to be directly involved in the lasting
impact that Northside will have on each students’ educational journey. To join the Northside
PTO and learn more about ways to become involved, send an email
to and follow us on Facebook @NESNewnan.
General PTO donations are always welcomed and greatly appreciated. Donations can be
made at any time via Cash, Check (made payable to Northside PTO), and Venmo
We look forward to an amazing school year!
The Northside PTO Board
Northside Quick Links
- 2024-2025 School Calendar
- 2024-2025 Supply List
- School Cafeteria Online Meal Payments Instructions
- Northside Lunch Schedule/Reservations Link Begins
- Student Accident Insurance - English
- Plan De Seguro Para Accidentes Estudiantiles
- Curriculum Transparency
- Parents Right to Know
- Parents Right to Know (Spanish)
- Intradistrict Transfer Letter
- GA Public Health Letter Regarding Changes in Vaccination Requirements
- Intradistrict Transfer Letter (Spanish)
Bus Bulletin-Would you like to know when your student’s bus is going to be late? (Scroll down)
The Coweta County School System Transportation Department will begin using the Bus Bulletin notification system starting, 8/14/2024; to notify parents and students when there are bus schedule changes or delays of 10 minutes or more, for specific school bus route
The service is free.
Registration is simple and fast.
Select only the bus routes for which you want notifications.
Choose to receive text messages, phone calls, and/or e-mails. (All contact information is stored securely and will not be shared or sold.)
To sign up for notifications, click here: BusBulletin Registration****
To confirm current bus routes, go to; click on Departments, then look for transportation, and next Bus Routes.
For help with registration, call Mrs. Madeline Gossett at (770) 254-2820 or email her at
Help spread the word. Like us on Facebook and follow us on •
Northside Newsletters/Updates
Northside Elementary Parent and Community Partners
- Justin Rison-Platinum Partner
- The Smith Family- Platinum Level
- Stanley Insurance Agency- Gold Partner
- The Garcia-Polo- Silver Partner
- The Carnes/Muncher- Silver Partner
- The Walls Family- Bronze Level
- The Marzec Family- Bronze Level
- Go Church
- Lisa Guadalupe- Martial Arts
- Crossroads Church
Our Incredible Staff!
Parent Communication
In order to communicate the most up-to-date school information, we will offer both text and email notifications. If you would like to receive text messages, please sign up for the Parent Remind (directions posted).
Also, our social media accounts include both Facebook and Instagram.
Facebook-Northside Elementary-Coweta County
Transitions to Pre-K, Kindergarten, and Middle School - What do I need to know?
Staff Member of the Year - Mary Daniel
School Registration / Records
- Registration Information - English and Spanish
- Transcripts and Records
- Pre-K Application